ARE WE THAT DIFFERENT? 金曜日, 6月 1 2007 

This video, made with with music by DJ Spooky, helped launch our campaign against the so-called Clash of Civilizations–starting with a call for real Middle East peace talks now.

Stop the Clash of Civilizations – YouTube via Neatorama

Toooo much stylish !

Stephen Colbert: So You’re Living In A Police State 金曜日, 6月 1 2007 


Stephen Colbert uses irony to mock the U.S. Government’s hypocritical PATRIOT act, searches without warrants, and detentions without trials.

Stephen Colbert: So You’re Living In A Police State – Videosift

“sneak and peek” searches through which law enforcement officers search a home or business without the owner’s or the occupant’s permission or knowledge; …….. which allow the Federal Bureau of Investigation to search telephone, email, and financial records without a court order; and the expanded access of law enforcement agencies to government records, including library and financial records.

USA PATRIOT Act – Wikipedia

Ron Paul vs. Giuliani 火曜日, 5月 22 2007 

Ron Paul explains the damage that an interventionist policy can have when it comes to violent blowback. Giuliani throws a fit.

Terrorism: Ron Paul vs. Giuliani @ SC Debate – YouTube via digg

Ron Paulは共和党候補者の中では唯一のイラク侵攻反対派だそうだ。しかもBushのお膝元であるTexasの議員らしい。
“We need to look at what we do from the perspective of what would happen if somebody else did it to us.”
“My argument is that we shouldn’t go to war so carelessly. When we do, the wars don’t end. ”

“The crowd cheered for Guliani because he spoke succinctly and with familiarity.”
“The crowd cheered for Guliani because it’s a Fox News sponsored debate with a neoconservative friendly audience there to watch other neoconservatives debate.”

Ron Paul vs. Giuliani on 9/11 – digg

A Decent Man. 金曜日, 5月 18 2007 



「僕はサッカーが仕事」自民の出馬要請を蹴ったカズ –



「僕はサッカーが仕事」自民の出馬要請を蹴ったカズ –



「僕はサッカーが仕事」自民の出馬要請を蹴ったカズ –


[ 追記 ]


Love is Beautiful, Gravel said. 木曜日, 5月 10 2007 

Mike Gravel, 2008 Democratic presidential candidate, says he has no problem with gay love.

New Hampshire’s WMUR TV hosted a conversation with Gravel in which the former US senator, answering an audience question about gay marriage, replies, “If a couple of lesbians or gay men want to get married, and they love each other, they should have the right to do that and enjoy all the legalities in our society that go along with that. I have no problem with that at all.”

“I think that people who create these problems of homophobia and the likes of that do us a disservice,” Gravel continues. “We are all human beings and one of the things that should motivate us, most of all, is love.”

Mike Gravel: ‘Love between a man and a man is beautiful’ – therawstory via digg


Hamas’ Answer to Mickey Mouse 木曜日, 5月 10 2007 

Mickey Mouse, a new convert to Islam, teaches us all how to resist Jewish tyranny through the commandments of Allah. A series of clips from a children’s program airing on Al-Aqsa TV, a television station run by Hamas. The Mouse is called Farfour (“Butterfly”) despite the fact that he is clearly not a butterfly.

Hamas’ Answer to Mickey Mouse – Table Of Malcontents


[ 追記 ]


Oh Dude ! 木曜日, 5月 10 2007 

Video of war crimes committed by the Bush Regime in Iraq. Not for the feint of heart.

Mission ( Fallujah) Accomplished – Videosift


A poll published Tuesday shows that close to 40% of Americans favor the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, according to an article at

Poll shows 39% of Americans support impeachment via digg

Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore ! 水曜日, 5月 9 2007 


異色のド根性大統領候補:マイク・グラベル – 暗いニュースリンク



この記事を読んでから慌ててググってみると、Washingtonpostが彼をHoward Bealeに例えていた。Howard Beale って誰? だったのだが、親切にもYouTubeへのリンクが貼られている。Peter Finchの名演をこの爺さんに重ね合わせると、いっそう感動的である。

Network- I’m Mad as Hell – YouTube


(We’re not ranking Mike Gravel… This guy’s not just a third-tier longshot, he might be a little, um, off. Seriously, he was downright rude. Why should anyone agree to appear on stage with him? And why should any mainstream Democratic group invite him?)

White House 2008 rankings: The Democrats A bi-weekly rating of the presidential candidates – MSNBC Politics LiveJournal

「子供のように無責任で安穏で」 土曜日, 5月 5 2007 


平和憲法=終身雇用=リカちゃん – satohhideの日記


“my husb–” Condi said. 火曜日, 5月 1 2007 

Condoleezza RiceIn 2004, New York magazine reported on a DC dinner party, at which Condoleezza Rice was reportedly overheard saying, “As I was telling my husb–” and then stopping herself abruptly, before saying, “As I was telling President Bush.” As the magazine explained it, those who heard her were quite surprised, though the slip seemed “more psychologically telling than incriminating.” In other words, no one seriously believes Bush and Rice are romantically involved.

‘Bush is her feed’ –


Ted Stevens revealed as Senate’s Secret Holder 木曜日, 4月 5 2007 


CNN reports how Ted Stevens was revealed as the Senate’s Secret Holder.

CNN Report on Ted Stevens revealed as Senate’s Secret Holder – VideoSift

Secret hold

The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 was introduced by Democratic Senator Barack Obama and Republican Senator Tom Coburn with an intention to create a public website with an easily searchable database of the name and amount of every federal grant, contract or award of $25,000 or more. The alternative approaches for obtaining this information are generally considered to be too complex for the general public.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee unanimously passed the measure on July 27, 2006 and it was on its way to full Senate passage when an unknown Senator placed a “secret hold” on the bill. According to Senate rules, the bill will never come to a vote as long as the hold continues. Holds are an unofficial part of Senate parliamentary tradition that allow a single senator to block a measure anonymously.

In August 2006, a bipartisan group of bloggers initiated a campaign to identify the Senator who placed the secret hold. Eventually, a previous story on Coburn was found where he identified Stevens as “the only senator blocking it”[2]. On August 30, a spokesman for the Senator confirmed that he was the man behind the secret hold on the Coburn/Obama bill.[3]

Criticism of Ted Stevens – Wikipedia


“beginning of a new age of politics” ? 木曜日, 4月 5 2007 

Philip de Vellis(ParkRidge47)のインタビューが上がっていた。例のビデオ作った人ね。

Although it only received 20 votes on the VideoSift, The Hillary Clinton Youtube user created attack advert was viewed 3 Million times. That is enough views to be interviewed by Steve Grove…a Youtube Politics correspondent?

YouTube Interviews one of their Users – VideoSift


Hi. I’m Phil. I did it. And I’m proud of it.

I made the “Vote Different” ad because I wanted to express my feelings about the Democratic primary, and because I wanted to show that an individual citizen can affect the process. There are thousands of other people who could have made this ad, and I guarantee that more ads like it–by people of all political persuasions–will follow.

I Made the “Vote Different” Ad – Phil de Vellis, aka ParkRidge47


Let me be clear: I am a proud Democrat, and I always have been. I support Senator Obama. I hope he wins the primary. (I recognize that this ad is not his style of politics.) I also believe that Senator Clinton is a great public servant, and if she should win the nomination, I would support her and wish her all the best.

I Made the “Vote Different” Ad – Phil de Vellis, aka ParkRidge47


I’ve resigned from my employer, Blue State Digital, an internet company that provides technology to several presidential campaigns, including Richardson’s, Vilsack’s, and — full disclosure — Obama’s. The company had no idea that I’d created the ad, and neither did any of our clients. But I’ve decided to resign anyway so as not to harm them, even by implication.

I Made the “Vote Different” Ad – Phil de Vellis, aka ParkRidge47


This ad was not the first citizen ad, and it will not be the last. The game has changed.

I Made the “Vote Different” Ad – Phil de Vellis, aka ParkRidge47


Vote Different – YouTube


A credibility-killing moment 木曜日, 4月 5 2007 

When it comes to John McCain’s assessment of conditions in Baghdad, the military knows he’s wrong, reporters in Iraq know he’s wrong, and now Iraqis themselves want to tell us that they know he’s wrong, too.

A credibility-killing moment – Crooks And via digg


It was bad enough last week when McCain said parts of Baghdad are safe for Americans to go for a stroll and that General Petraeus travels around the city “almost every day in a non-armed Humvee.” But McCain really seems to have pushed his luck by going to a Baghdad market, surrounding himself with 100 soldiers, three Blackhawk helicopters, and two Apache gunships, and then telling reporters that was able to walk freely in Iraq’s capital.

A credibility-killing moment – Crooks And via digg


Strolling in Bagdad – Comedy Central


DAVENPORT, Iowa (AP) – Democrat Barack Obama raked in $25 million for his presidential bid in the first three months of 2007, placing him on a par with front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton and dashing her image as the party’s inevitable nominee.

Obama Rivals Clinton in Fundraising – via digg

What IS he doing there? 水曜日, 4月 4 2007 

What IS he doing there?



No President Lies 水曜日, 4月 4 2007 

No President Lies – VideoSift


Laura Bush Gives The Finger 木曜日, 3月 29 2007 

Laura Bush Gives The Finger – VideoSift
